About Hub Appraisal

Please let me know your questions - email me at stevedirect@hubappraisal.com and I will put it in a Blog, Vlog or some other venue and drop your name as having posed the question. If I don’t have the answer I will track down someone that can!


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Selling you home Massachusetts

First, thank you for taking the time to visit us! It is humbling to have you here and I hope you find what you are looking for and come back often.


The website is here for ONE reason - To Help You!

My goal is to educate, inform and entertain your real estate curiosities.


I have been in and around the real estate business since 1985 and I have yet to find one public information source to get information about many topics and situations. There are books and sites spread all over but none appear to answer the stuff that impacts you the buyers, sellers and real estate agents on an  everyday basis. This site hopes to answer the why and how!


Are you thinking of selling?

Do you want to buy your first property soon?

Do you have a real estate license and need as much education as possible?

  • What does an appraiser do and how does it affect your possible property transaction?
  • Do you know what rules an appraiser must follow?
  • Do you want to have a streamlined transaction saving you money, time and effort?


I hold a real estate broker’s license as well as a Certified Appraisers license. Over the years, I found some consistent themes of misinformation and loads of questions. Appraisal reports are involved in most transactions and properties throughout the country when a loan is needed. I teach some continuing education classes and see confused agents and blank faces concerning the appraisal process and what an appraiser is required by regulations, oversight or ethics to do. Since the Great Recession, the appraisers have been made the bad guy and put in a no win position to do a lot of dirty work on behalf of the lenders and your Government. There are reams of new laws and regulations now at play.


Appraisal books are written for appraisers and not the property owners, property buyers or real estate public. Unfortunately this leads to the property owners being directly impacted by the appraisal and lending process. It also impacts buyers who may be purchasing their first property; leaving them at a huge disadvantage because they have never owned before or have the experience of even going through the process, never mind understanding it. In addition many real estate agents I bump into in the field do not know how the properties they oversee are impacted by appraisals. Of course, many agents are true professionals and do have a handle on things and are awesome to work with, but there is that cluster - a good chunk of agents that just do not know what appraisers do and deals die because of it.


This website and my eBooks (as they roll out) will hopefully educate and entertain everyone that wants to learn. This site will hopefully answer all your questions regarding real estate and appraisal from most every angle.

My goal is to educate, inform and entertain your real estate curiosities
My goal is to educate, inform and entertain your real estate curiosities